SORSOGON CITY, November 28 (PIA) – Following
the site verification of the physical environment surrounding Pilar Bay in
Pilar town of Sorsogon, the Environment Management Bureau (EMB) of the
Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) - V recommended that the
bay be classified as Class SC (Saline C).
As per the DENR Administrative Order No. 34
or the Revised Water Usage and Classification, surface water bodies in the
country need to be classified. One of the bases of its classification is its
characteristic in order to determine its usage.
EMB regional director Engr. Roberto D.
Sheen, during the Pulic Hearing on Pilar Bay Classification conducted recently
in Pilar town said that based on the data gathered and evaluation made by their
team, Pilar Bay’s classification as Class SC would mean that the bay can be
used as Recreational Water Class II (e.g. boating), Fishery Water Class II
(commercial) and that the marshy and/or mangrove areas can be declared as fish
and wildlife sanctuaries.
According to DENR Administrative Order
(DAO) 34 series of 1990 or the Revised Water Usage and Classifications, water
bodies for coastal and marine waters (as amended by DAO 97-23), where Pilar Bay
is included, are classified into four classes: Class SA (water suitable
for fishery production, national marine parks and reserves and coral reefs
parks and reserves); Class SB (tourist zones and marine
reserves; Recreational Water Class I (bathing, swimming, etc.) and Fishery
Class I for milkfish; Class SC; and Class SD (Industrial
Water Supply Class II and other coastal and marine waters.
In determining classification for Pilar
Bay, 12 sampling stations surrounding the bay were established as follows:
Approximately 50 meters from the Pilar Port; Approximately 100 meters from the
mouth of Sta. Fe River; Approximately 30 meters from Dona Ana Islet;
Approximately 100 meters from the mouth of Quidavid Lighthouse; Approximately
300 meters from the mouth of Barayong River; Approximately 500 meters from
Tinago Point; Approximately 300 meters Brgy. San Rafael; Approximately 300
meters from Brgy. Oras; Middle of Stations 3, 4, 7 and 8; Approximately 200 meters
from Brgy. Paniquian; Approximately 50 meters from the mouth of Tinago River;
and Approximately 50 meters from the mouth of Putiao River.
EMB-V considered five water quality
parameters in determining the classification of Pilar Bay namely: PH Level; Dissolved
Oxygen (DO); Total Suspended Solids (TSS); Oil and Grease; and Nitrates (NO3)
and Phosphates (PO4).
Sampling was done once every quarter for
one year and the samples were collected from the said twelve established sampling
RD Sheen made it clear that the
classification does not preclude the usage of the bay to a lower classification
such as Class SD water body. “The recommended classification is a security
measure that the water quality condition of Pilar Bay will be maintained to a
level that could sustainably bring about the productivity and best beneficial
usage of said water body,” he added.
The surrounding area of Pilar Bay is mostly
agricultural land and is densely populated on one part. Some portions are dominated
by mangroves and is utilized for fish/aqua-culture, sustenance fishing and for
“Pilar Bay needs to be classified in order
to protect its water quality and likewise determine the maximum potential usage
and best applicable protection and management scheme of the body,” Sheen said.

Pilar Municipal Agriculture Officer Victor
Lee said that the recommended classification of Pilar Bay is a wake-up call on
the part of the local government of Pilar and could be a strong basis of both
the legislative and the executive body in finding time to sit down to arrive at
certain measures to be done in order to improve the status of Pilar Bay
believing that said bay has promising potentials aside from fishing and
navigation activities.
The public hearing also served as an
opportunity for local officials of Pilar to review the status of existing
resorts surrounding Pilar Bay.
EMB-V Water Quality Management Services OIC
Engr. Jocelyn R. Vinas said that with the recommended classification of the Bay
now, existing beach resorts can be placed under the Eco-Beach Watch. The
Eco-Beach Watch Program is one of the priority program activities of the
EMB-DENR as part of advocacy for good water quality.
This aims to establish baseline data and
provide the latest/updated information on the present quality of the bathing
beaches. It also aims to inform the resort/facility owners to institute
measures to improve the quality of their respective beaches. (BARecebido, PIA