The most important goal of such mission
is to rally round these two towns and establish locally sustainable LFEWS where
it would serve as preventive measures against losing lives and damages to
assets and livelihood in their prone areas.
Looking back, Juban and Irosin were
two of the top-listed “multiple hazard” locales in the province owing it to expected
flashflood and landslide episodes during intense rainfall. Besides, these towns
also deeply experienced the impacts of Bulusan Volcano’s past activities.
Imminently, the task will focus on
getting to the bottom of the tight spot along the Irosin-Juban
Valley where
Cadacan River’s domino effect is shared by the two local government units
In a previous letter to Sorsogon
Governor Raul R. Lee, Olaf Neussner of the GIZ called for a combined meeting to
briefly discuss the situation in Irosin and Juban in terms of flooding and
rain-induced landslides, number of households constantly affected by
inundations, priority areas for flood warning systems and other information
relevant to LFLEWS.
A spot assessment was conducted
along with key persons from the Provincial Disaster Risk Reduction and
Management Office (PDRRMO), as well as the Provincial Planning and Development
Office (PPDO); with Gemma Ocon (GIZ), LGU and concerned stakeholders.
Launching an LFEWS can be described
in a five-step process. The steps are not all technical in nature but also consist
of legal, administrative and social processes. It is also significant to note
that LFEWS is a flexible system and once systematic and standardized processes are
in position, these can be continuously adjusted as trends on hazards and
vulnerabilities are modified:
political consent of local governments and social acceptance at community level
(dialogues and consultations; coordination with relevant national agencies and
local offices; and forging of memorandum of agreement with concerned LGUs)
Participatory Disaster Risk Assessment (disaster history; hazard assessment;
risk perception; vulnerability and capacity assessment; and traditional coping
mechanisms) *already acted in accordance with Planning and integration of LFEWS
to existing plans and structures (agreement on warning levels and communication
protocols; formulation of the disaster preparedness plan; local government
adoption of disaster preparedness plan and integration to existing
comprehensive development plan; LFEWS integration to annual investment plan;
institutional set-up; training; and formulation of monitoring and evaluation
calibration and installation (calibration of monitors and communication
equipment; dry run and drills; post-event validation / re-calibration of
monitors and communication equipment; and continuing refinement of protocols)
(functioning operations center; 24/7 disaster monitoring; systems maintenance;
coordination; resource generation; and re-training)
European Commission's Humanitarian Aid department (ECHO) was set up in 1992 to
provide rapid and effective support to the victims of crises outside the
European Union. Recognizing the importance of pre-emptive measures, ECHO
launched its disaster preparedness programme, DIPECHO, in 1996.
communities living in the main disaster-prone regions of the world are ECHO's
disaster preparedness programme (DIPECHO) targets. These are intended to
demonstrate that simple and inexpensive preparatory measures, particularly
those implemented by communities themselves, can be effective in limiting
damage and saving lives when disaster strikes.
DIPECHO-funded projects cover training, capacity-building, awareness-raising,
early-warning, and planning and forecasting measures, with the funds being
channeled through aid agencies and NGOs working in the regions concerned. ECHO
selects projects for funding on the basis of their potential to achieve
concrete results and their ability to spread knowledge on disaster preparedness
and generate learning.
projects are designed as pilots within their region, their impact being
multiplied when the strategies they advocate are integrated into long term
development projects, whether by the development services of the European
Commission, national governments or other development partners.
Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) on the other hand, is an
international enterprise owned by the German Federal Government, operating in
many fields across more than 130 countries. It primarily works for
public-sector organizations.
The GIZ provides services in the following areas of
sustainable development: Economic development and employment (including
services such as vocational training, economic policy advice, financial systems
development or private sector promotion); Government, democracy and poverty
reduction (including services and working fields such as development-oriented
emergency aid, peace building and crisis prevention, governance, sustainable
urban development or structural poverty reduction); Education, health and
social security (including working fields such as education,
development-oriented drug control, promotion of children and young people or
HIV/AIDS prevention); Environment and infrastructure (including activities such
as waste, energy and water management, natural resource management, transport
and mobility, implementing international environmental regimes or environmental
policy, climate change-related capacity building); Agriculture, fisheries and
food (including services such as coastal zone management, land management,
market-oriented farming and food systems, policy advice on agriculture and
rural development or securing livelihoods in marginal rural areas).
GIZ works on a public-benefit basis. All surpluses
generated are channeled back into its own international cooperation projects
for sustainable development.
Incessantly, the Provincial
Government, has been keen in institutionalizing R.A. 10121 (DRRM Act of 2010)
as a result of Sorsogon’s susceptibility to various types of hazards. “Name it,
we got it,” former governor Sally Ante Lee would always articulate in her
account of past scenarios related to disasters in the province. Lucratively, as
Sorsogon’s ex-chief executive, she has established linkages with scores of
organizations and addressed the issues significantly through a range of DRRM
In his incumbency, Governor Raul R. Lee
looks at all disaster preparedness and response activities as an
opportunity for extensive livelihood programmes in Sorsogon. In a previous
meeting with NGOs, he stated his confidence that the Provincial Government is
in any case organized in its initiatives in so far as the existing needs are
concerned, but was anxious on the critical circumstances affecting the entire
locality being a multi-hazard province. (Von Andre E.
Labalan SOR-PIO/PIA Sorsogon)
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